Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Glossary for Budō 武道; Geidō 芸道; & Zendō 禅堂

Artistic Ways =  Geidō 芸道
Arts & Crafts = Bitsuu Kō Gei  びじゅつこうげい 美術工芸
Body Technique or Body skill = Taijutsu 体術, refers to empty handed techniques.
Bond = Kizuna きずな 絆; Mutual Bond
Cuisine, Japanese = Washoku わしょく 和食
Exercise; Calisthenics; Gymnastics = Taisou たいそう 体操, exercise routines.
Exercise; physical training; work-out = Undou うんどう 運動
Handling = Sabaki さば 捌き is the handling of something, or anything. Tai Sabaki is how we move our body. Kimono Sabaki is how we live in a Kimono..
Ignorance = mu-myo むみょう 無明; Literally void of wisdom
Meditation Hall = Zendō 禅堂
Oneness of Technique & Principle = ji-ri-itchi 事理一致 bringing the technical and theoretical aspects into oneness.
Space; Time = Ma ま 間
Space; Time Harmony = Ma-ai  間合い; usually translated as interval
Sweets, Japanese = Wagashi わがし 和菓子; Confectionery often used in Sado (tea ceremony) and other gatherings.

Warrior Way; Way of the Warrior = Budō 武道, Bu refers to the Warrior and dō 道 is The Way. This dō 道 comes the Chinese Concept of Tao